Wednesday 25 March 2009

Still no baby

It has been another sunny day, albeit very windy but Molly still hasn't produced! Alan our farmer friend stopped by this evening for an update as he felt sure she must have obliged in todays sunshine.

There was a fair bit of bulging going on but that was it, I think she must be waiting for Paul. He is off for the next couple of days so hopefully he will get to witness the birth. He's only seen a couple so far so it would be nice.

I have spent most of the day out in the fields, cleaning up hay which seems to get everywhere in the wind, then poo picking which seems to accumulate at an amazing fast pace and generally observing everyone.

Eubank is definitely missing the weanling now they are in their new field, he's gone off his bottle. I think he's making out he's a big boy too, unfortunately the other sheep are far to rough with him yet to leave him with them.


Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Sounds like its getting ready, I think it will soon be on its way into this new world, you can bet your boots, mum will give birth soon,she is just waiting for one nice quiet sunny morning. Looking forward to seeing the pictures of your new arrival !

Perry Wheeler said...

Hi Debbie,

Finally got hold of a copy of Counrtyfile (thank-you UK Nova).

Nice one! What a brilliant job.

I'm going to make one of those poo brick makers before winter gets here.
