I think he quite enjoyed himself here, riding round on the quad and the tractor and stomping in piles of I'm not sure what - I'm not sure doing it in his nice blue suede shoes was a good idea though!
With everyone having a job allocated shearing was soon underway . There was a little excitement just before lunch when I noticed in the distance that Palm-Olive had given birth, 329 days and not giving much away when she had her breakfast; thats maidens for you.
I was straight on the phone to her new owners to let them know and they came up, armed with the camera and lots of excitement. This photo is couresty of Phil, a lovely white boy from Gianmarco's Masterpiece.
Just in case shearing and a cria being born isn't enough for one day we've also hatched 13 chicks, mainly our legbar hens............................
and if that wasn't enough we also now have hay baled!!!!!!!!!! So that needed moving under cover as the forecast isn't good for next week.
More details to follow tomorrow, but I'm worn out now and been my bed.
What a hectic Day! indeed....sounds like a great job well done...did you get 44 bales as well ... I'm shatered after a busy day also. But its good to get it done .....Jayne
Sounds like you're very busy too! Isn't summer crazy on a farm? I hope that the fall will give you time to breathe.
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