Monday 4 March 2013

Can you tell what it is yet?

Another nice sunny day meant that all the alpacas and goats were happy to go out and catch a few rays, many of the boys are starting to smell Spring in the air! 

Unfortunately this includes the weanling's, particularly Plato and Ant who are clearly going to be quick developers and both seem to have taken a liking to Lily our grey girl and Palace one of the white girls.  Palace isn't impressed but Lily doesn't seem to mind.

We managed to find time to pop out at lunchtime to have a look at our latest addition to Liberty Hill, I'm very excited.

Our first every rescue cat Smudge is causing me great concern at the minute, she'll be 20 this year and is starting to show her age.  She has been getting senile for a little while now but since the weekend she has been getting worse.  At the minute she is still happy and purring so I'm ok...


Llama Karma said...

Could you send some sunshine to Dartmoor it is grey and cold here and I could do with cheering up!

Apple Vale Alpacas said...

Ooh, it's the Barnacre's a platform for something...Platforrm 9 and three-quarters? a fleece grading table...

Rosemary said...

OH NO!! I think it is one of the things I want most in the whole world and I cannot afford it! If I am right you will be warm and snug at lambing whilst I am drenched and shivering!
I am already VERY jealous!
(Hope Smudge is okay)