Tuesday 31 March 2009

Birthdays and babies!

At last we have babies, yes plural, two in fact. Before you get too excited though I'm talking about lambs not alpacas. Mocha has given birth to her little lambs, they are both black and have yet to be named but here they are.

This is the little girl.

And this is the little boy.
They will share a birthday with Blossom, one of our three foundation herd who has celebrated her fifth birthday today. Blossom has produced two fantastic daughters for us, Oonagh who was the first cria born here at Barnacre and has won ribbons for us at both Northumberland County Show and The Scottish National at Kelso. Her daughter last year Lualeni makes her show debut this year and will hopefully be as successful if not more so.


Perry Wheeler said...

They look really cute Debbie, but you need to talk to Molly.
Sarah and Perry

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

She was looking over the fence at the lambs last night so I explained it was supposed to be her first - I'm not sure she was listening though! The sun is shining again so maybe today.........

Lucy said...

They are beautiful! We have a chicken called Mocha!!!

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Hi Debbie,

What lovely babies.....its always nice to have new arrivals, safe and sound, Im sure Molly will be next....sometime !...just when you least expect it !...bet ya !..Jayne