I've been busy today catching up on the jobs that I didn't get done over the weekend, it was a freezing cold start with a very keen frost. In fact the big fleecy wellie liners came out this morning; next step is the wellie warmers!
It did turn into a lovely sunny day mind. The alpacas had visitors, Carol and Dave popped over with some friends, I forgot to ask permission so I'd best not name them. I keep forgetting to ask people if they mind me mentioning them on the blog.
Meketaten, here.....

took a real shine to Dave today and stood for ages having lots of fuss, in fact she got quite upset when he stopped stoking her and following him trying to help herself by rubbing up against him!
I thought it was about time the young boys got to pose, here they are in their usual stance, Tenzing & Sandstorm always come as one, they are almost joined at the hip.
Both these boys are showing great promise, they have very different styled fleeces, but both very fine and highly desirable.
Lovely looking boys - I particularly like Tenzing's face!
Thanks for the visit today Debbie. Rachel and Rebecca really enjoyed it. Rebecca was over the moon with the 3 bags of alpaca poo Dave filled for her, she was straight home to put it on her veggie garden.
Meketaten, Meketaten, Meketaten....
Well done Dave you remembered! I'm assuming that is you chanting your new friend.
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