After more fleece sorting, I returned home this afternoon to some very clear kitten footprints on my kitchen island! After having stern words to the girls and cleaning away the evidence before Paul returned from work to see it, I went off to feed the alpacas and was trying to think of the source of the dust.
This evening I managed to establish where said dust had come from when I spotted a pair of eyes peering over the top of one of my kitchen cupboards! By this time Paul had returned from work and spotted said naughty kitten.
Sounds like your kittens are keeping you busy.....just wait till the're climbing the Christmas Tree !!.....just for your info...Duke is still soft n silly...tail up and humming...he's not grown up yet and is still a real softie !!..He makes me laugh !!...he's such a baby !!....Jayne
Oh dear, i bet the kittens were in trouble when Paul saw them.Nice to hear that Duke is still a big softie Jayne.
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