On a serious note though, I have had Star on a tight short rope, a long rope, a slack rope, with my arm round her neck, bribery and all are proving difficult. I think it is the fact that she is not in charge that really freaks her out as she is king pin.
The is slight improvement so I will continue to work with her and hope that we get there in the end. Palm-Olive was top of the class today and did a full lap the the paddock only needing a little encouragement once.
Whilst Paul was off work the week before last we finally got round to buying our new camera, I'm still not convinced we bought the right one (we didn't agree and I let him have the one he wanted), but I will continue to 'play' with it. Here is one of the pictures I took of Chiquita yesterday, I think she has a lovely face. She has a great fleece to match!

Our friends Carol and Dave (knitter and manure collectors) popped round this afternoon which was nice, Carol was delivering a lovely big mans scarf she had knitted whilst Dave collected poo! Why is it I only ever have visitors when the house is resembles a tip!?
Chiquita...is a real beauty...who could ask for more !!!.....keep up the good work.....halter training....you'll get there..in the end.....Jayne
She is so pretty and it is a lovely clear shot.
That's a great head shot - lovely girl.
Once you start 'playing' with cameras Debbie, It's amazing how much time you manage to waste walking around fields behind alpacas:) Lovely photo of Chiquita.
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