Friday, 21 May 2010

Another birthday and another baby

Today is Gabby's birthday, she is the oldest member of the Barnacre herd at 8 years old. Despite her age wisdom does not always shine through, Gabby is a bit of a 'dumb blond' if you get my drift, we wouldn't change her for the world though.

Since joining the Barnacre herd back in 2007 she has produced two lovely white boys, Barnaby and Duke, both of which are very friendly and were real mummy's boys. This year she is mated to Golden Guinea so we are hoping to get a bit of colour out of her. She is usually has a long gestation period so isn't due until July.

Talking of colour we have had a lovely coloured addition today. Mary has given birth to a lovely black girl, just what we ordered.

Don't tell Barbara at Beckbrow but Mary was only 346 days! I'd only told my mum yesterday that Mary was her best chance of seeing a birth when she is up at Bank Holiday. However mid morning I thought Mary was thinking about giving birth, and she did at 2pm this afternoon.

Lucia as we have named her after the Caribbean island of St. Lucia, was soon up and on her feet and feeding, after being checked out by her very nosy big sister Ursula. Here is a lovely family shot for the album.


Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Fantastic ! Congratulations on your lovely new arrival....who's the Daddy !.....Jayne

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Duke sends Birthday his Mummy !!.....xx ....

Anonymous said...

Congrats again Debbie. What a lovely mum Mary was this afternoon with her baby. Can't wait for the next one to be born....make sure its on one of our days off though....

Carol & Dave

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

The daddy is Miguel of Fowberry Jayne. I'll padd on Dukes birthday wishes in a mo I'm off to give Kazuo his bedtime bottle and no doubt Gabby & Imala will be in the shelter!

Rosemary said...

Another beautiful baby! I'm getting very jealous!

Unknown said...

Congratulations...looking forward to more photos for this end no comment!!

Unknown said...

Too cute. I want one.

Knapper Alpakka said...

That is a beautiful little thing. Congrats!

Patou Alpacas said...

Well done guys, all kicking off up there now|!

Shirley said...

Really lovely, Debbie. Well done. Shirley & Robbie

janet said...

Well done Mary i said you would have a girl and a beautiful one too. Debbie tell Willow and Kate they have got to hang on for a few days for me coming up.Congratulations xx

L said...

She's lovely!!!