Sunday, 30 May 2010

What a view

It has been a chilly day today so Kate's baby has had his coat on all day; we are still discussing names - or rather trying to agree on one!

Carol and Dave popped round to pick up some manure and meet the latest addition to the Barnacre herd. Carol was please to see it would be some more brown wool for next year. She was then roped into helping mum work out how to do her latest knitting pattern. It was getting rather technical, but they worked it out between them and it's looking good.
Willow decided that it was too cold to give birth today so has had strict instructions that tomorrow is no go; I'm just hoping that she was listening.

Here is the view from our bedroom window this evening.


Zanzibah Alpacas said...

What a wonderful view !!.....Jayne

Knapper Alpakka said...

The best view there is!

Rosemary said...

Fantastic view!

L said...

Yes, a lovely scene to look out on!