Saturday, 29 May 2010

Snap happy

I made sure I got out with the camera this morning as we had rain forecast and I wanted to get a photo of Kate's new baby before he got wet. He is a real chunky chap but is still glued to mum's side at the minute, but I'm sure it won't be long before he's up to mischief with the other two.
We have yet to agree on a name, but here are a couple of better photo's. Isn't he gorgeous?
I also snapped a nice photo of Kazuo catching a few rays, I can't believe he is two weeks old today.This afternoon once we were happy that Willow wasn't going to give birth we headed over to Corbridge to put together the pens for the Northumberland County Show.

We have decided not to show there this year because of bio security issues, don't get me wrong they are doing a good job with increased bio security and spit screens, but we have made the decision not to go. Despite this we are happy to help and will be stewarding so it's still a really early start on Monday even though we don't have animals to get ready.


Patou Alpacas said...

Two lovely looking boys, got to be a girl next!

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Those babies..are delicious !!..very handsome, indeed.....Jayne

Knapper Alpakka said...

Lovely things you have there, Debbie. Congrats to you :-)

Shirley said...

Lovely wee chaps, Debbie - well done. Shirley & Robbie

Unknown said...

Yep...he has got he daddy's good looks there Debbie!

L said...

What a gorgeous wee man! Lovely colour.