Friday 25 November 2011

Counting sheep

The alpacas have had another another delivery of Mr Thompson hay today.  I really don't know what I am going to do when Alan is not on my doorstep.  The herds intake of hay has certainly increased over the last few days.

We have been up to the hill again today, we wanted to round all the sheep up again for the tups. Dave (carding Dave) came along for some fresh air and to help.  He wanted to go and explore the very top of the hill as he's not made it that far before. 

It seems to be working as there are lots of coloured bums up there now.  Once the sheep were gathered the plan was to count them, so off you go - how many can you see? 
The shed is coming along nicely now, most of the cladding is now on, it has one door and most of the concrete floor is down. 

I can see a nice little spot for the caravan in that back corner.


Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Looking Good ....and just in time...we have had snow here today !!......Jayne

Cotswold Vale Alpacas said...

Its all looking really good, well done.

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

Send the snow North please Jayne!