Monday 3 November 2008

Why are we waiting!

This morning I had to drop Paul off at work as he had left his car there on Friday so after feeding the main herd and giving Gaussian his bottle off we went. The 'sales team', boys and the sheep had to wait until I got back and boy were they not amused on my return - I wasn't that long!!

Normal service was soon resumed and everyone was fed, watered and hay supplies replenished, the sheep consumed theirs immediately in one sitting. I think they were making a point.

I've been out with the camera again to get a shot of the new arm and leg warmers which hopefully going to be popular this year.

Paul has gone to the football tonight (he's not a football fan so its not something he enjoys particularly) so I'm now off to sit in front of the fire with my knitting and watch autumn watch. That reminds me, I saw a red squirrel this morning for the first time in a few weeks which was nice.

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