Tuesday, 17 August 2010

2010 cria

Thankfully the weather hasn't been anywhere near as bad as was forecast but you still wouldn't believe it is still summer.

Paul has been busy on the website again, it is such a slow job but we are getting there, if you've been tracking our births this year you will enjoy our 2010 cria page. I have just pointed out to him that he hasn't added Freyja yet!!

Talking of cria I find it fascinating how they seem to pick up on their sires personality traits when they never even get to see them. A prime example are our Golden Guinea cria, they are all so chilled out and super friendly just like Guinea.

Here we have Ochre on the left playing with one of Paul's shoes, whilst Meketaten is on the right also checking them out. Both of their mums last cria were completely the opposite, in fact Star, Kate's daughter still is.
It's not just the Guinea cria here, because his daughter born at Lavender-Bee Alpacas is very friendly too.
I'm looking forward to next years arrivals already.


Zanzibah Alpacas said...
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Zanzibah Alpacas said...

There is alot to be said..for taking nature into account..when breeding ! Thats why I picked Zeuss for Tremona !....hopefully I will get a cria....that is on this planet !!....:-0) !.....Jayne

A.M said...

nice post read
100 Ways to Increase Your Website Traffic

L said...

Wow, what a crew! Well done, what a lovely bunch you have had this year Debbie. Makes all the hard work worthwhile doesn't it?