This morning Katia had an appointment with Gianmarco's Masterpiece, her very lucky new owners had chosen him to cover her this year. A very wise choice in my opinion and Marky was certainly impressed, he enjoyed every minute of it.

Whilst this mating was going on rather surprisingly Ursula decided to sit, she was mated almost a month ago and has been spitting off since. She too was mated to Marky so he will have another rendezvous with Ursula in the morning after he has done some spit offs. We like to try and give the boys a girl at the end of spit offs.
It has been a lovely day so I have been able to get Carol's knitting stash from yesterday washed dried and even photo's taken to they can be put in the shop. I'm determined it is not going to get as out of date again as it took ages to get back on top of it.
Whilst I was out with the camera Casiphia, Legends first born cria came up to say hello, she is usually one of the ones hanging back so it was nice for her to come to me.
This evening the younger cria have been weighed, all are doing well and heading in the right direction which is good. It is interesting to see how some of the girls milk qualities clearly differ, as with previous years Gabby, Mary and Kate's babies have piled on the weight whilst Imala and Irraquoys are slightly slower than our herd average gain.
The babies are lovely !!..its always nice to have them..come and see you...on their own choice ! Good to hear that catching up with the others, now and I wondered if the slower growing cria..are first time mums with thier babies, I have a theory, that second year cria..always appear to thrive..much more than the first ones !....just wondering if you found the same........Jayne
Sounds like the new owners know what they want with yet another cracking choice of stud from your herd to be mated to Katia...lets hope that she produces another stunning cria next year just like Ginny
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