Thursday 12 August 2010

This is for you.............

Another busy day draws to a close and I'm buzzing with excitement; I'm sure I'm not the only one!

First job on the list was to rearrange the garage as I'd got a supply of Camelibra being delivered, I'm not as lucky as Rob and Les, we don't have a forklift here so it was manually unloaded onto the quad and re stacked in the garage all neatly so when Paul got home from his day job the car would still fit in!

I have been out with the camera too, our online shop is so out of date it is getting embarrassing so I was out in the field taking some photo's, as you can see I had help. Lucia and Pearson trying to helping themselves to things in the bos whilst Ochre was trying to climb on my back.

Tomorrow we have rain forecast so hopefully all of today's pictures will make it onto the website tomorrow, that is if I don't break it first Paul gets slightly nervous when I start working on the website as that is usually his domain.
Whilst I was out with the camera I thought I would get a photo of the birthday girl, only she seemed a little camera shy and kept turning her back! Geena is 8 today, here she is feeding her baby Rory, she only has milk in her front two teats so Rory is being topped up by bottle which he likes which is good.
I also managed to catch Katia's baby sat down on the job, she seems to like to sit down whilst feeding. I know someone out there will be very interested in this photo!


Unknown said...

Now that is just lazy...lovely photo of Katia and babe.

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

The're are funny....Zullulah used to also lie down and feed, now Zienna lies down and eats from the trough !!.....lovely photos !...Jayne

oak haven alpacas said...

I love the sitting and eating photo! That's great.