Tuesday 17 June 2014

Play and poking

I am pleased to report that Isadora's little girl who we have named Mireya, meaning miracle in Spanish is doing well, in fact she is now just over 6.5kg and happily enjoying a game of chase.  Tonight is the first night in the big outdoors.  She is penned with her mum and Angelica and her cria (the one with the clicky hips) in front of my study window!

Having had a few girls decide to birth early we are supposed to have a little breathing space before the next cria is due however Cara's baby is proving very active and is trying to come out of her side constantly.

Oonagh has the most uncomfortable looking bulge and masses of milk.

As does her sister Lualeni, who managed to escape the camera!

At the weekend we moved the girls onto fresh which went down well, it also meant that we could fix the fence which was damaged over winter by the flying field shelter; which is the next job on the list; well the 'needs constructing' list!

1 comment:

Karen Oglesby - Meon Valley Alpacas said...

What an amazing view you have Debbie!