I think Mondays should be banned, the last three have been a nighmare and today the trailer brakes seem to have seazed up. Rocking the trailer, kicking it and cursing it seemed to have no effect what so ever!
Can you believe it, this morning I was heading over to Hexham Mart to buy a couple of tups for the blackie (sheep) girls on the hill. As if I'm not stressed enough I had to choose and buy the tups on my own.
My first choice went for well over my budget but I am pleased with the shearling (one and a half years old) that I did purchase. He needs a name so all suggestions gratefully received. This isn't the best picture but it was getting dark when we got him home.
It was really funny when he got home, he came running out the trailer and was greeted by Golden Guinea, one of our stud boys who was already posing at the fence, which he always does when he sees a trailer, just incase it is full of ladies. Not only that, at the other side were the six big boys who came running over to see who was arriving.
I'm not sure who was more shocked by their neighbours, the alpacas wondering what on earth this yellow thing with twirly horns was, or the tup who what wondering what on earth he was supposed to do with these long necked creatures.