Monday 31 October 2011

New boy on the block

I'm not sure how much higher my stress levels can raise to before I explode.

I think Mondays should be banned, the last three have been a nighmare and today the trailer brakes seem to have seazed up.  Rocking the trailer, kicking it and cursing it seemed to have no effect what so ever!

Can you believe it, this morning I was heading over to Hexham Mart to buy a couple of tups for the blackie (sheep) girls on the hill.  As if I'm not stressed enough I had to choose and buy the tups on my own.

My first choice went for well over my budget but I am pleased with the shearling (one and a half years old) that I did purchase.  He needs a name so all suggestions gratefully received.  This isn't the best picture but it was getting dark when we got him home.

It was really funny when he got home, he came running out the trailer and was greeted by Golden Guinea, one of our stud boys who was already posing at the fence, which he always does when he sees a trailer, just incase it is full of ladies.  Not only that, at the other side were the six big boys who came running over to see who was arriving.

I'm not sure who was more shocked by their neighbours, the alpacas wondering what on earth this yellow thing with twirly horns was, or the tup who what wondering what on earth he was supposed to do with these long necked creatures.

Sunday 30 October 2011

Visitors for the alpacas

I've just read Paul's blog from last night, the cheek of him.  I was actually busy knitting a hat that has been ordered not snoozing; although I felt like snoozing from about 8pm for some reason.

This morning we, or rather the alpacas have had visitors.  A lovely family wanting to see if alpacas were for them. I forgot to ask permission to name them, so I'd better not.  I think the alpacas enjoyed the attention and they certainly enjoyed the apple treat.

The girls headed home with a little alpaca gift, one pair of Barnacre fingerless gloves knitted in Oonagh & Kealani and another ordered (they both wanted the same pair so a smaller version is required).  They also took home a freshly laid egg each which they collected from our hens.

I'm in trouble with Carol for taking more orders and selling things that she knits.  Our bramble bobble range is her department and it proves very popular.  Looks like she is not allowed out gallivanting this week!

Saturday 29 October 2011

Paul's lines and Debbie's hour (Paul)

Hi all, our blog viewings are at record high numbers which is very nice although that means the pressure is on for new content - or maybe more of the same?!  Debbie has decided to take advantage of the extra hour when the clocks go back tonight and is having a little snooze so like many of the jobs round here that means I have to pick up the slack...;-)

For a change it's been a busy old day. We started off with a nice cooked breakfast and then headed up to the hill to speak with the new neighbours about a 'situation' and also to check on progress.  Although conditions up there are very muddy the various tradesmen are doing a great job and we have lots more progress to report on.  A picture paints a thousand words though and here's two.  First up is the house - nearly ready to move in don't you think?

Can you see the vase of flowers on the kitchen window?

Next up and not to be outdone is the shed - coming along nicely I think:
I noticed the comments on recent blogs have been envious of the various machines in our pictures - they aren't ours you know!

Next up are the sheep.  Now it seems that every time I go to work that Debbie has 'invested' in some more sheep with her farmer friend Alan (who says that you can never have enough sheep).  However, I believe they are a good investment (I'll explain why in a future blog) and also they are very funny and respond to voice-commands - they do honest!

What do you mean you don't believe me??!!  Right, you want proof do you?  Gimmer squadron - shortest on the left, tallest on the right, by single rank - size:

You see - perfect horizontal linear formation.  Right, draught ewe squadron, form a vertical
Nearly girls - well they are older and a little hard of hearing in the wind up at the hill you know.

Right - main herd, evasive manoeuvres - scramble now:
Good girls - they you have it proof that the Barnacre sheep are as friendly and sociable as the Barnacre Alpacas.  Night all! Paul.

Friday 28 October 2011

Steaming and sunbathing

It has been a lovely autumnal day today, a very frosty start with the sun soon burning it off and causing the alpacas to steam.

I am pleased to report that Kate continues to improve, and other than looking very thin and having a shaved path on her neck you wouldn't really know anything had occurred.  Here she is having a good munch at lunchtime.

Whilst Kate was filling her belly some of the younger girls were stretched out sunbathing.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Knitwear is flying off the stock list

Just a quick blog tonight as my knitting needles are steaming, I have three hats on order, I'm not sure how I ended up with the biggest list!  Carol has one to knit and so does my mum.  So it's busy, busy, busy all round.

I have sold another couple of pieces of knitwear today, that's five items in three days and it isn't even winter yet.  These sales have all been to returning customers which just shows how pleased they were with their initial purchases which is always a nice feeling.

I have a slight issue in that just like Rosemary all our possessions are packed up and this included the shop passwords so I am struggling to update the on-line shop.

I have spent most of the day at the computer today updating the stock lists and getting things ready for Paul doing the VAT return this weekend.  I'd much rather be out in the fields but needs must I'm afraid.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Hump day progress

The building on hill is coming along nicely, however we still have a lot to do which I can't or rather don't want to go into on here; maybe one day!

I have been to pickup the sheep I bought on Monday, another 20 ewes on the hill.  That brings the total to 115, although Dave and I only managed to count 112 so I'm not sure where the other three were hiding.

Whilst I was there I took some more photo's of progress, it's coming alone nicely don't you think.

I am sure the girls will be very grateful of their new shed in the depths of winter.  They are certainly looking forward to the new grass up there, they have striped their current field bare!

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Turn up the volume

Kate is continuing to improve slowly, she was wary of me this morning just in case she had to have more medicine.  She is definitely getting back to more her old self, I very much doubt she has held on to her pregnancy so she may remain slightly more chilled out over winter; time will tell.
The chickens are in bad books with Carol today, she has been cutting them lots of greens from the veggie plot and their egg production has been very poor this week.  Two eggs from 24 hens is not good.  Dave is busy making them a new house which he is sure will increase the egg laying.

Tonight it is very productive in the Pearson lounge, I am spinning, Carol is knitting and Dave is carding.  What with the carder noise and my spinning wheel squeak the volume on the TV keeps going up.

Monday 24 October 2011

Ground source

Today Kate has had her last medicine drench, eventually!  She is obviously feeling much better in her self because this morning I failed miserably to catch her.  She knew I wanted her so wouldn't come anywhere near me, not even for her breakfast or the new hay. 

I manged to get one hand on her but failed to keep hold, but this afternoon Dave came along at feed time and offered reinforcements which meant we were able to catch her.  It is the first time she has been a pain and not wanted to take it so I ended up wearing some of it!

Up on the hill the slinky's have been laid today in readiness for our ground source heat pump.  I think the chaps would be rather muddy by the end of the day.  It's a good job mud is good for the skin.

I nipped out with Alan this morning and somehow managed to buy more sheep, oh well I did sell my beloved MG yesterday so that can contribute towards their cost; it was supposed to be going towards the bathrooms!

Sunday 23 October 2011

Sheep dog required

We have been up to the hill today, Paul and Dave have been doing some fencing whilst I organised the container so you can actually find things.
Things are progressing nicely, you can now see how the house is going to work now all the partitions are up for the stud walling.  I was hoping to see all the steels up for the shed, but that was obviously wishful thinking on my part, but that two is growing.

 All the sheep seem to have settled nicely.  I wanted to try and get them up onto the top of the hill but with just me and leg power I wasn't getting on very far.  Initially I could only see 12 sheep!  Where the other 83 had gone I don't know!

I think we will have to consider a sheep dog or something as the land isn't very level where the sheep are so rounding them up with the quad won't be easier either.

After an hour of me walking round trying to gather them up I gave up as a bad job only to see the following line heading in the right direction by the time I had reached the container.

Saturday 22 October 2011

Cooked breakfast for the workers

It has been a very productive day today, this morning after the morning feed run and coming back to a very nice cooked breakfast from Carol we headed off to look at bathrooms for the new cottage.  It's a bit different to buying sheep at the mart!

This afternoon's job was to dose the whole herd, everyone has been wormed (sheep included) and toe nails trimmed where necessary.  The girls were also body scored which is an important part of herd husbandry.  There are a couple of girls who are really showing the effects of feeding very greedy cria.  I think we will have a few early weaned littlies this year.

I used my new strives needle today and it certainly helped speed things up.  I have used them before when I've been dosing Alan's sheep but as our alpaca numbers have increased I thought it was about time I invested in one for the alpaca.

Tonight it has been a hive of activity, Carol and mum are knitting, Dave has been carding and I have been spinning.  I just need to find Paul a job!

Tomorrow we are off us to the hill to do some fencing and check on progress.

Friday 21 October 2011

Hill update

I thought seeing as it's Friday you might be interested in seeing an update on the hill. 

The steels for the shed have finally arrived, however this wasn't without incident. The artic delivering it got stuck on the way up the track, the driver was far from happy - luckily I wasn't there at the time.  I was there though when a nice local farmer came to the rescue and did a couple of trips up with his tractor and trailer.

The house is also progressing nicely, the timber frame is now up and the roof trusses are almost complete.  Next week the roofer is set to arrive as is the stone so hopefully the house will be ready for Christmas.
We have been over to Hexham mart today and bought some more sheep.  We got some 5 year olds and some gimmers so I think that will be it now, other than a couple of tups or rams depending on where you live. 

Thursday 20 October 2011

Home sweet home

I have been up on the hill today, I needed to gather up some of the bits of caravan and find some other bits that were already in there which I needed.  Whilst I was there I thought I would take a photo of the caravan to show you.
It didn't look too bad from that side but look at the front!  It's a good job we weren't in there when it went over. 
This afternoon the sheep have arrived, they are blackface ewes Rosemary.  They came on a big waggon straight from the mart.  As the road was busy today with the steels, a crane and lots of work men and is very muddy I decided the best option was to let them off at the bottom of the hill.  Here they are pleased to get out.

Lucky for me they all headed off in the right direction up the hill.

and soon had their heads down munching.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Dosing sheep

I think the realisation of the rolling caravan has now sunk in.  So this morning we put our minds to finding a replacement, hopefully the next one will last a bit longer.

Kate is continuing to have her drench and today she has actually had some camelibra which is good.  By this evening she was thinking that she was entitled to her own trough again.

This afternoon I have been over to the mart to dose my new sheep which are arriving tomorrow.  They are going straight up to the hill so I wanted to get them done before they went on the land.  I'm quite looking forward to them arriving.

I will be able to check to make sure the steels for the shed have arrived, they have supposedly been on the waggon for two weeks now but they never seem to quite make it up there.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Three sides

I'm afraid the events of yesterday were not a bad dream that I woke up from this morning, it did all happen, but at least we are all safe so that is the main thing.  Thank you for the kind words and messages of support and offers of help, it is fantastic that we have such good friends.

I drove down to meet my parents this morning to take them mum the cats to look after, the three girls were shut in one room at Carol's last night out of the way of their cat.  At least at mums they will have more space than they would have done in the caravan.  Hopefully we will be able to get them back soon as I'm already missing them.

We had to go up to the hill today to talk kitchens and sanitary wear the the men have certainly got on with the timber frame, it almost has four sides!  The photo's aren't great as I cant locate the camera at the minute (can't imagine why) so I used my phone, but it shows how well they have got on today.
And if you look closely at this one you can see the remains of the caravan in the background. 
Kate is continuing to improve, not only is she looking happier in herself she is taking longer and longer to catch eat time it is medicine time.  I'm not sure why she scarpers though as she seems to like the taste of it. 

We are still at Carol and Dave's whilst we try and plan what to do next.

Monday 17 October 2011

Blog and roll

I don't know where to start.  Having just read all the comments and good wishes on last nights blog Jayne's grin and bare it made me smile; and boy do we need a smile!

After a very late night, or more like early morning when we went to bed we were up extremely early this morning to continue the packing and move.

First job of the day was alpaca feeding and Kate needed her medicine before I let her out.  She is looking slightly better again today, she is now down to twice daily drench.  She is still sitting more than normal but she is eating and looking brighter in herself.

The rest of the day has been taken up moving out of the mouse house.  Dave has been helping all day I'm not sure we would have managed without him.  We were already an hour and a half late moving out.

We did a couple of runs to the original container, a trailer load to Carol and Dave's (which was supposed to be temporary) then it was off up to the hill.  Paul and Dave went in the car with the big trailer and I was on the quad with the little trailer.

Less than half way there the wind started to blow a hooley and rain, and I mean really rain.  Luckily Paul had given me his waterproof coat to wear or I would have been even wetter.

We all got absolutely soaked, with the trailer unloaded it was time to take the stuff and cats to our new home, the cosy caravan.  At this point we noticed a major problem, it looked like there had been an explosion at the front of the caravan or a plane had crashed!

Oh no; we are now officially homeless, the caravan has rolled.  Luckily Carol & Dave have come to the rescue.  Not only do they now have a garage full of our possessions, we are also in situe along with Smudge, Tilly & Izzie.  Lucky for them the chickens are still with the alpacas.

We are now working on what to do next, after crying that is!

Last night in a proper bed

An even busier day than normal today as it is the last in the mouse house and I still haven't finished the packing, we were back at Wallington with the alpacas and knitwear and Kate is needing medication three times a day.

We had another fantastic day at Wallington, our alpacas are such a draw to the crowd.  It is lovely to hear all the complements they receive, so many people have never seen such friendly and approachable alpacas.  The knitwear also went down very well, at this rate I will have no stock left for Christmas.

Kate is looking better, after giving her her medication this morning I decided that I would let her out to see if that made her feel a bit better.  Emery, her daughter was waiting the other side of the hurdles for her and off they toddled.  Kate went straight to pick at some fallen leaves.

Carol and Dave had kindly agreed to check on her for us and Alan was keeping an eye on her too.  By this evening she was looking better, we even had trouble trying to catch her to give her her medication and shut her in for the night.  She even attempted to spit at me, which for once was almost a pleasant occurrence!

Thankfully Carol had offered to feed us tonight so off we went with a car full of stuff to store at theirs for a little while and tea.  Very nice it was too, we even got pudding; we now know of a good place to eat if things get bad in the caravan!!

Talking of the caravan, we move in there tomorrow so I am unsure if blogging will be possible for a while.  I will continue to use twitter which feeds along the right hand side of my blog so you will be able to keep up with snippets that way if all else fails.

Back to my boxes now then hopefully I will get a couple of hours sleep.

Saturday 15 October 2011

Tucked up in her own bed

We have had another very busy day today, we are at Wallington Food and Craft fair all weekend.  So what with that, moving and Monday and a poorly paca you can imagine what it's like. 

Dark morning make loading the car with all our knitwear and 'stuff' very difficult but with that completed and mums job list given (She was planning on going home two days ago but stayed longer to help with everything), we headed off to pick up the boys and get to Wallington.

As is always the case the alpacas proved a very big attraction, I managed to snap this shot in one of the brief moments that I managed to get away from the stall.
 Carol and Dave popped down for ten minutes and ended up staging for a few hours which was definately appreciated, thank you again!

The stanged question of the day was a new one; "do you mind if I take a photo of the heads in your car"!  What on earth the chap wanted that for I don't know. but here he is.
I had a phone call from the vets this morning saying that Kate was still a poorly girl but looking slightly brighter, which was great news.  She was picking at the hay but not not eating much, but was now rehydrated and able to stand.

As the day has progressed she has improved and was able to come home this evening, in the hope that that would cheer her up more and encourage her to eat.  As soon as we'd finished at Wallington we headed over to pick her up.  She looked so much better than she did last night.

She is now tucked up in her own bed and all being well if the weather is nice tomorrow I will let her out and see how we get on.  She is still on medication three times a day but she seems to like the taste of the drench so that helps.  Hopefully she is now on the mend.

When we got back home mum has been doing some cleaning and ironing which is a massive help, thank you mum.

Worry and too much work

Just a quick one tonight as things are absolutely manic here.  Thank you for all the messages, texts, tweets and emails, it is nice to know that poor Kate has lots of people willing her on.

She has however took a turn for the worse today and to cut a long story short is now in the vet hospital on a drip and not a well girl.  So far her blood tests have failed to give much away but my vet Sam Prescott is working very hard to do what he can for her so please keep everything crossed for us.

I went down to see her tonight just to see how she was and see if |I could get her to eat anything, I'm affraid I failed she wouldn't even touch some nice warm speedibeat.

Today I was supposed to be moving furniture etc up to the hill as we have to be out of the mouse house on Monday morning ans this weekend we are at the Wallington Food and Craft fair, but that obviously didn't happen as Kate obviously took priority.

I'm not quite sure how I am going to pack, move, look after the animals and attend Wallington this weekend - it's a good job I can survive on not much sleep isn't it!

Thursday 13 October 2011

Kicking Kate

You know what it's like going into the field the morning after a worrying night, I was worried this morning what I might find when I went to check on Kate.  Thankfully she seemed a little better, had a temperature of 100 and she ate a few crumbs of feed but she was still far from right.

Thankfully after the emergency on call vet yesterday, Sam Prescott my usual vet was able to come out this morning.  He is well aware of Kate's usual temperament so knew without even touching her that she was far from happy.

After a thorough going over from Sam, he has confirmed that she has a chest infection which is making her breathing harsh.  She obviously felt poorly during yesterday afternoon as sat down, got very wet and cold and maybe stuck.  He thinks that the temporary paralysis on the left side of her face was caused by her laying on the cold wet ground. 

She has had another antibiotic injection and I need to keep trying to get her to eat.  He has also suggested I wean her enormous cria Emery sooner rather than later even though she is still a way off 5 months she beginning to drain Kate and whilst she is ill that is not good.

I've just come back from checking on her, she has had a little hay but didn't want anything else but I will keep trying.  I maight actually let her out tomorrow (as long as it's not raining), and see if that lifts her spirits any as she hated being shut in.

She did actually try and kick out at me earlier today when I went to put her coat back on after the vet had left so she must be feeling a little better.  No sign of any spits yet though so we still have a long way to go.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Poorly paca

Just a quick blog tonight as I have a poorly alpaca and am heading back out to check on her again.  It's poor Kate our grey girl who is usually pretty wild.

She was down this evening and very flat, shivering and had a crackle on her left side.  She was perfectly fine this morning and her usual self; Spit in one trough, move to the next eat that and then return to the original trough that no-one else would touch after she's spat it in.

The vet has been out and administered some drugs and she is now shut in with her daughter Emery on a nice deep bed of straw.  I have manged to get her to have a tiny bit of warm sugar beet but she is still sat down and her breathing isn't right.  So wish us luck.

On a much brighter note I have purchased some sheep.  More on that another night as I'm back off to the field.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Open gate or hay?

Alan kindly dropped off a new bale of hay this morning for the girls and babies.  I left the gate open whilst I moved the straps and cover.  It was quite funny Ursula and Imala noticed the gate was open and the new bale, both are usually in a rush to be the first through an open gate but they were torn; gate or hay, hay or gate.  I soon shut the gate to make up their mind.

My parents have arrived today for a couple of days, mum has kindly offered to help pack a few boxes or do anything else I might need.  She might live to regret it!

This afternoon we had a meeting up on the hill with the builder, architect and green energy man.  Progress is being made on the house, unfortunately the same can't be said for the shed which is still just a few holes - not happy as this is supposed to be home for the caravan as soon as possible to give us a bit of protection!

Monday 10 October 2011

Hexham Tup Sale

It really did look and feel like a typical Monday morning this morning, Paul & I didn't want to get up and even the cats were still toasty snug when the alarm went off - this could have been because Paul had forgotten to change it from the very early starts at the weekend!

The weather was really damp and horrible, it was that drizzle that gets you very wet without you really noticing.  The alpacas were all looking rather dirty as they'd obviously been rolling in damp mole hills - great.

With the morning routine complete I headed over to Hexham Mart again to see how the Tup sale went.  I was only looking as we don't have any ladies for a tup to service yet but I wanted to get the feel for things.

There were some very fine looking boys there, of the four legged variety obviously!  The horns of some of them were fantastic, I've decided I think I have a bit of a thing for the big curly horns, I'm not sure if that did or didn't seem important to the bidders.

In fact I found it rather difficult to differentiate between and good and exceptional tup.  There were some selling for a couple of thousand that looked nice to me then the champion went for 20,000 Guineas and I couldn't work out why he was worth ten times that of some of the previous ones - more home work required I think!!

Sunday 9 October 2011

Seaside and no boxes

Much to Paul's disgust it was another early start this morning, and no time to watch the Grand Prix.  We were heading over to a makers market in Seaburn with the Barnacre knitwear range and the boys.  I'd decided only to take a couple of boys today. 

First in the trailer were Ochre (no shock there then) closely followed by Minimus and Pearson.  As we were only taking two I decided that Minimus could go for the 'ahhhhhhhh' factor.  As always the boys went down a treat causing lots of interest on the seafront.

I think the knitwear was equally as stroked, it always amazes me how surprised people are at the soft feel of our garments.  There some lucky new customers with cosy heads and fingers this evening following their purchases.

This evening I have managed to ply the bit of yarn I'd spun over the last few days, I'm hoping Carol isn't too disappointed as there isn't much.  I've made a couple of requests from the hand spun yarn before our trip to Wallington Food and Craft Fair at the weekend so I'm hoping there is enough.

All this has meant I have had a day of box packing, there is still plenty to do and only 8 more nights in a proper bed.

Saturday 8 October 2011

Karin Muller vet talk

It was an early start this morning as we needed everyone fed and sorted pronto so we could head down to Wetherby for a vet talk by Karin Muller.

I actually got up extra early to watch the F1 qualifying, I have a pile of ironing that must be done before we move into the caravan next week so I thought a 5am start wouldn't do any harm.

As soon as it got light (and I had managed to kick Paul out of bed!) we headed over to feed and check everyone.  Paul did the boys whilst I did the girls and the chickens and checked on a couple of rabbits I'm looking after this weekend.

The girls were gathered in a circle in the middle of the filed staring at something.  Things like that always means something is going on.  In the middle of the gathering with the largest rat I have ever seen; dead!  I'm not sure if it had been stamped on or met another end.  Once I had moved it and fed everyone we headed off.

I usually knit when in the car and currently have a pair of booties on the go in the car.  Unfortunately one of my bamboo needles had snapped, but luckily it was long enough for me to finish my little project.

The vet talk was very good and well worth the early start and the drive, if anyone ever gets the opportunity to attend one of Karin's talks I would recommend you go.

This evening after packing a couple more boxes I did an hour's spinning.  I'm in trouble with Carol for not providing her with any hand spun yarn lately so I am trying to get some done so I can drop it off on Monday then I can complain if she hasn't used it by the end of the week.  Tee hee

Friday 7 October 2011

Not enough hours in the day

Things are pretty hectic here at the minute hence the lack of blog last night, I was far too tired.

I spent yesterday at a Lady's Day in Jesmond with our knitwear, it has to be said it wasn't the most organised of events and I won't be rushing back there but it was interesting.

In between animals duties and box packing today we have been to see some Blackface sheep for the top of the hill. We had a guided tour and some really useful advice from a very experienced hill farmer.  Lots to think about now.

Tomorrow we are off to a vet talk so it will be another full day, the knitting is already in the car for the journey down, no time for sitting idle in my life.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Bits and bobs

I have been busy sorting and packing again today, I can't believe how difficult it is to pack everything when you know that you are going to have to dig to find bits and bobs over the next few months that are stored in one of two sea containers or at my parents or at Carols - nightmare!  I have been rather organised and every box in numbered with detail of it's contents.

I have a big bag of stuff for the charity shop and there is some other 'stuff' destined for the local tip unless it is wanted on freecycle.

Mia (my pet sheep, the one who won the sheep racing and thinks she's a short alpaca) is back to her old self again.  I've got to be honest I was getting rather worried about her.

I had a nice satisfied feeling this afternoon when I spotted a pair of my bramble bobble knitted wrist warmers walking past; on someones' hands obviously!  Tomorrow I'm off the Jesmond for a Ladies Day with all the Barnacre Knitwear so hopefully there will be lots more satisfied customers heading home with some of our luxury knitwear.  I must go and get it all ready.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Eating and snoring

Brinley seems to have decided that he is a big boy now and no longer wants his bottle, two sucks and he's had enough.  Geena has more milk this year than she's ever had, he's eating hard feed and gaining weight, albeit slowly so I am not too worried.  Here he is tucking into the Camelibra this morning.
I have been busy packing today it seems to be an endless task and one that is proving even more difficult knowing that we will have no space for anything in our tiny caravan so it may well stay packed for quite some time.

Whilst I was hard at work I heard snoring from the bedroom, for once it wasn't Paul, it was the cats.

Izzie fast off 
Smudge having a wash  before her next power nap.

Worst of all Tilly in the bed keeping my pj's warm.  It's a good job Paul wasn't about, and she was on my half (more like quarter) of the bed!

Monday 3 October 2011

Post office farse

The weather has really turned quite autumnal today, still quite warm though.  The trees are dropping their leaves and the alpacas are enjoying chasing them, some to eat and some to roll in!

Having spent yesterday moving furniture from the mouse house I was slightly disturbed this morning when I got up to the realisation that there was still lots, and I mean lots, of 'stuff' still to be packed and moved.  In fact it hardly looks like anything is missing.  Where all our things are going to go eventually in our new little cottage I don't know.

I had the most ridiculous conversation in the post office this afternoon.  I had a specially ordered Barnacre Alpaca hat to post, and the lady behind the counter asked me if I wanted to send it as a large letter or a parcel.  At this point I said I didn't know which size it was which was why I had gone in. 

She proceeded to tell me that it could be a large letter if she squashed it but it may turn on to a parcel so what did I want to do.  Surely wasn't she supposed to tell me!  As it was for a customer I went for the parcel option and thanked her for her lack of help.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Alpaca visitors

We have had a busy day again today.  This morning a lovely couple came over to see the alpacas, they saw us at a show recently and are exploring alpaca ownership.

They seemed to enjoy the experience and loved Lady Godiva and Meketaten who as usual stole the show.  We really enjoy sharing our alpaca experiences with others and it is great to see how alpacas can capture peoples hearts.  It's hard to believe we ever had a life before alpacas, we could never go back now.

This afternoon we have been moving things up to the hill, thankfully Dave had offered his services which was good because even with my muscles I struggled to move some of our furniture.  We have spent all afternoon moving things yet the mouse house doesn't seem much emptier; I'm not sure how that has happened.

I forgot to take the camera with me up to the hill today but here is a picture I captured of Paul and Dave having took some wood up to the caravan to level it off.  It was getting dark so the quality isn't very good.
Thanks as always for the help Dave, and the tea and scone on our return Carol.  Sorry for the footprints too!!! 

Saturday 1 October 2011

Progress pictures

Well we haven't achieved many of the jobs on the To Do list today, there just aren't enough daylight hours anymore.

We have been up to the hill and checked on progress.  Here is Paul stood in what will be the lounge.
Looking down on the cottage and shed, not to mention the latest container for more storage.

We did manage to get the caravan up on site having checked that we could work everything this morning.  I was slightly concerned at one point when Paul had to take a bit of a run at getting up the hill and the van seemed to lean far too far one way for my liking.  Then we couldn't unhook the flipping thing from the car!

Anyway here is home, I took this photo from the car as we were going past!
Hopefully we will move some of the heavy furniture tomorrow as Dave has offered some assistance.