Saturday 1 October 2011

Progress pictures

Well we haven't achieved many of the jobs on the To Do list today, there just aren't enough daylight hours anymore.

We have been up to the hill and checked on progress.  Here is Paul stood in what will be the lounge.
Looking down on the cottage and shed, not to mention the latest container for more storage.

We did manage to get the caravan up on site having checked that we could work everything this morning.  I was slightly concerned at one point when Paul had to take a bit of a run at getting up the hill and the van seemed to lean far too far one way for my liking.  Then we couldn't unhook the flipping thing from the car!

Anyway here is home, I took this photo from the car as we were going past!
Hopefully we will move some of the heavy furniture tomorrow as Dave has offered some assistance.


Rosemary said...

You will have spectacular views!
Progress looks good.

Judi said...

Maybe an idea to get some trees planted quickly... that little caravan looks very exposed!! You should be rocked to sleep during winter!

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Ive seen little house on the prairie......but your 'little caravan on the prairie' ...looks really quite tiny !!.....hope its well tied down....and keep a shovel handy !!....when that snow arrives ;( ......Jayne