Thursday 20 October 2011

Home sweet home

I have been up on the hill today, I needed to gather up some of the bits of caravan and find some other bits that were already in there which I needed.  Whilst I was there I thought I would take a photo of the caravan to show you.
It didn't look too bad from that side but look at the front!  It's a good job we weren't in there when it went over. 
This afternoon the sheep have arrived, they are blackface ewes Rosemary.  They came on a big waggon straight from the mart.  As the road was busy today with the steels, a crane and lots of work men and is very muddy I decided the best option was to let them off at the bottom of the hill.  Here they are pleased to get out.

Lucky for me they all headed off in the right direction up the hill.

and soon had their heads down munching.


Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Ah....poor caravan !! what a mess..... that should have been hitched up to the tractor....and it might not have rolled !!
The sheep look lovely....Im sure they are haveing a great time on the hill !.......Jayne

Unknown said...

Looks like a lucky escape for all!

Rosemary said...

I like the sheep!

Thank goodness you were not in the caravan - hope the new accomodation is better!

Denise said...

Now Debbie, you just need a good Teeswater Tup to go in amongst your "Scotties" so that you will have proper Masham lambs next year. If you need to contact the breed secretary to find one, that would be me.
Hope everything goes OK with the caravan hunting