Once our company had gone I finished off cleaning the fields that my brother kindly started this morning whilst Paul cut and harrowed in readiness for the rain we had forecast, however the weathermen seem to have changed their minds now.
We also had a batch of spit offs to do, all but Gabby spat off, she dropped like a stone when she saw Guinea arrive, I'd not put her in the mating pen yet either and once she sits to be mated there is no moving her so I just let them get on with it and removed the rest of the girls and babies back to their main field. All expect Imala that is, who sat next to her waiting for her turn. She is actually due an outside mating from 2008 so she will have to wait a little while so we can take her and Geena at the same time.
Oh !...Lovely photos !!..milk and kisses all round !!......Jayne
ahhh....very cute!
Lovely photos of Faith and alpacas!
That was me on the anonymous comment, Debbie, forgot to put my name!
Lovely photo,s Debbie. I can see you will have a helper as Faith gets a bit bigger.Don,t forget Oonaugh you have to have a girl.
Faith looks like she is a lot better at bottle feeding than I am!
Well done, Faith!
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