Wednesday 5 December 2012

Snow time like knitting time

We have had more snow today, this was the view from the lounge window when I stopped for a cup of tea this morning.  The boys were making the most of the cosy bed and fresh hay on tap!
By this afternoon our drive was so bad that the Tesco man couldn't get up, he rang me from the roadside gate and said he was stuck.  So off I went with the quad and the sheep taxi to pick up my shopping, the cats couldn't have lasted as they were almost out of food and I needed some goats milk for Azrael.  I definitely need to look into getting a milking goat.

I'm hoping the snow doesn't get any worse as we are out this weekend with the alpacas at North Tyneside Victorian Market and I also need to get to the post office to post more on line orders.


Andrew said...

Brrr, Not sure our boys ventured far away from the shed today.

Shirley said...

Take care in the bad weather and stay warm. shirley & Robbie

Rosemary said...

That does look cold!
Have you made a snow alpaca yet?!

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Great view from the window !! Keep warm and hope you manage to get to the fair at the weekend ! .... Jayne

Karen Oglesby - Meon Valley Alpacas said...

Proper big flakes!