Friday 2 December 2011

Jack frost pays a visit

We woke to a very frosty start this morning, here are some of the girls (and Brinley) waiting for their breakfast.  From left to right we have Palm-Olive, Piccolina, Chiquita, Lucia, Kate, Brinley and Geena.
Briney did have a coat on when I left him last night, but if you look closely in the next photo you may see it keeping the wheel on the hay heck warm! 

Progress on the hill is coming on nicely, with the exception of the fencing and we have a poorly tractor (again) today.

Tomorrow we are at Morpeth Farmers Market with our knitwear and some of the alpacas.  Hopefully it will prove to be a very successful and enjoyable day.


Cotswold Vale Alpacas said...

Wow that does look frosty!!

We have only had a very light frost so far, just on the cars, but I am sure it will be on its way soon!

Good luck at Morpeth Farmers Market, hope its not too cold and you get lots of lovely sales :-)

Rosemary said...

Nothing like that sort of frost down here!
Hope the market was a success - hopefully, the colder weather will help!