Thursday 1 December 2011

Fence or foe

After collecting our post knocker this morning Paul had the slow job of driving the tractor over to the hill in readiness for the arrival of our fencing materials.  Which is the next job.

The fencing arrived, or should I say some of it did, the rest is now arriving next week.  Don't ask!

As you can see there is rather a lot of it, we were expecting it to arrive on pallets so we could use the forks on the tractor to unload it.  Unfortunately it wasn't on pallets so we had to resort to tipping it off the waggon.  There was at least one crack and snap.

We then planned to move to to where it is going to be erected.  After dropping one bundle of cross bars onto Paul's foot, breaking the pallet we tried to load them on, loosing a pin off the post knocker, wading through mud, mud and more mud we decided to call it a day and return to the alpacas to feed them and remind ourselves why on earth we are doing what we are.

We are now planning an early night in the hope that tomorrow will be a better day!


Apple Vale Alpacas said...

Take a deep breath and start again tomorrow. Another case where the Amish approach might have made it easier - but then again...

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Oh Dear.....I often wonder 'WHY' its a big question......and only a small word !!! I hope that tomorrow is a brighter day...well thats what I tell myself....every night !!......the Amish have the right idea.....just one step at a time.....and remember.....not to fall out with eachother !!.....thats one good thing about living on your own !!!!......Jayne

Judi said...

Interesting comments re-the Amish...I think they are able to stay completely focussed on the job in hand, no distractions! The spirit of everyone helping is wonderfuland would get your fencing done in no time! Still I wouldn't want my alarm clock going off when theirs do every morning!!

Rosemary said...

It will all be wonderful when it is done - focus on that!!