Sunday 19 February 2012

Frost means time to move

It has been another gloriously sunny day here today but very cold.  We actually woke to a keen frost so an ideal time for moving things with the tractor so it doesn't damage the land.
The big boys were getting ready for a new bale of hay and we needed another flipping over in the girls field so Hetty (Paul's tractor) was soon on the move before the thaw began.

I wish I'd taken the camera up the hill with us as they boys eyes popped out on stalks when the saw the new bale heading up the track.  They are so greedy I'm sure if you put a full bale in their field they would stand there eating until it had all gone.

This afternoon we had a visit from a lovely family who have been once before.  They are thinking of breeding alpacas and wanted to come and see our new place and chat in more detail.  They were greeted at the gate by our 'guard alpacas'!  Brinley, Jam-Packed, Nadia, Piccolina and Minimus  who like to vet everyone that arrives.

When we went to see the girls Meketaten and Lady Godiva came over to say hello.  In fact they wouldn't leave us alone, I'm sure Meketaten (multiple brown champion) likes to tease perspective owners as she is not for sale!  I think she was actually using us a wind break and just enjoying the attention that came with it.

Here the two boys missing from yesterdays photos, first we have Brinley.  A very sweet vocal boy who loves to come and say hello.
Here we have Brinley with his good friend Jam-Packed who has a fabulous fawn fleece; he does have legs too he just wouldn't stand up and look at me at the same time when I had the camera!

Once these two boys have settled after weaning we will be releasing them for sale with a couple of the other boys Cazanova and Portamento two white boys are are best buddies.  That will leave me with two boys from last year, Spadicious and Seymour who I an going to keep for a little while longer as they are both looking very promising to be future herd sires - both are doing everything they can to try and trash their baby fleeces mind you!

PS. Anyone who read Paul's tweet earlier about road kill for tea, it wasn't real road kill it was a homemade pizza that many years ago got affectionately nicknamed roadkill because of the shape of my first one.


Shirley said...

Lovely photos Debbie

Rosemary said...

Meketaten was a favourite of mine -lovely little girl!