Saturday 18 February 2012

Weanling or weanie

Today I thought I'd share a few photos of our shed dwellers.

The shed is a brilliant addition to our farm I love it, in fact I think its the best bit of it!  We made good use of it in between Christmas and new year when the weather was terrible and most of the herd was inside for a while.

At the minute we have a little group in the shed for various reasons.  Firstly we have Minimus who has a rather nasty knee (as the blue spray gives away).  He'd not been himself for a few days but I couldn't work out what was wrong.

As it turned cold and wet I decided to bring him in (with Gianmarco for company who is a bit on the thin side) to see if I could establish the problem.  Alpacas are great at hiding ailments so sometimes it takes some working out.

With him penned in and me checking from top to toe I soon realised the problem he had a very sore knee, in fact is was full of puss.  It is now drained and he has had a course of antibiotics, but it is clearly still very sore.  As it is still an open wound I don't want him sitting out in a muddy field so he's in for the time being.  Because of where it is it is taking ages to heel and I'm worried it will end up infected again.  So if anyone has any top tips please share them.

Since Gianmarco went back out weenie Minimus has been joined by weanling's Nadia and his half sister Piccolina.  The three of they are so funny and move round on mass.  Nadia who is only 7 months old is actually bigger that Minimus who is 19 months old!

Nadia Sandwich...

Piccolina sandwich...

 They have been joined by the final two weanlings of the year today Brinley and Jam-Packed who will spend a couple of days in before joining the rest of the weanlings out in the fields.

1 comment:

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Hope Minimus soon recovers from his painful knee...the weaning looks like its all going to plan...and I bet its great to have your buildings in the winter weather.....Jayne