Sunday 19 December 2010

Festive carding

After a very productive but cold day selling our knitwear at Sanderson Arcade in Morpeth yesterday our stock is very depleted, which is a good sign. I met a number of previous customers who came over to show off their previous purchases from Barnacre, including a lady who bought some mittens from me three years ago at our first farmers market.

I had said that Christmas would begin here today, but it's so cold in the house without oil we spent the morning doing outside jobs. Whilst dinner was cooking I wrapped Alan (farmer friend) and Margaret's (his wife) Christmas present and then we went to deliver it after lunch. We were able to warm up whilst we were there, unfortunately though whilst we were there the snow returned.

The blizzards were terrible and in less than two hours we had four or five inches of snow on top of the snow and ice that was still lingering.

After all that depressing talk I thought I would share a festive Dave busy carding just to cheer myself up. I already have a huge pile to spin so hopefully he will have a day or two off for Christmas.

1 comment:

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

I like the festive carding !!....Im having a little look on the blogs....I am under a large blanket of snow !!...HELP !!...Jayne