This morning the alarm went off at 5.15am, we were heading off to Alnwick Christmas Market with a couple of boys and our knitwear. Here I am at the market with the Barnacre knitwear stall:

The boys weren't too impressed with their early start but once they'd woke up they happily trotted up the road and into the trailer. Then came the first issue, getting off the drive, that wasn't pleasant we got stuck! I dug and pushed and we were off, it was slightly hairy until we got to the main road, but we arrived safe and sound at 7.30 as requested.
We've had another good day, so hopefully no one will buy anything from the on-line shop this evening because I haven't got time to update it this evening. I've got another fair tomorrow, someone coming to view the house and have to wrap some Christmas presents for my parents to take back to Nottingham - no sleep for me tonight then!
Talking of no sleep I don't think Carol could of had any last night the amount of things she has knit today, she's a real trooper.
Your display looks great....lots of quality knitware and lots of hard work !!.......Hope it wasn't too cold....for you and I bet the boys were a great....attraction..good luck for the viewing tomorrow........Jayne
The stall looks great!
Good luck with the viewing!
What a lovely display! How do you find the time for all that knitting?! I'm struggling to get a few Christmas presents knitted up in time...the spinning wheel and needles are very busy at the moment...and I'm trying not to look at the ironing pile!!
Me, do without sleep, don't be silly Debbie......on another note, you are coming to do my housework and ironing aren't you?....good job Dave lends a hand with the housework and doesn't expect 3 course meals (not that he ever got them before I started knitting).....
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