Sunday 23 June 2013

A good chase

There is nothing better on a summers (yes it is still summer!) evening than to watch the cria racing underway.
Our main field of girls has been a hive of activity tonight with five of the six cria playing chase and long jump over the dip.  The speed they reach is phenomenal.  I never actually managed to get them all in one shot.
Leading the way was JanJan followed by Irraquoys little girl, who incidentally we've still not agreed on a name for!
Bounty was in the leading pack a few times, here in the middle.

Selby (fawn boy) got left standing most of the time, he's at the back here with Chiquita.

As for Casiphia's little man who I trying to convince Paul needs to be called Arty, Barnacre Work of Art, he just kept flying round in whatever direction he felt like!
I didn't manage to get a photo of Ashling chasing round, unfortunately for her she doesn't have any playmates of her own age.  She is in one of the quarantine fields which is something we routinely do with anyone new coming into the herd.  She does have Strawberry who isn't a year old yet happily playing chase with her; and more often than not gets left behind!
On the baby front Freyja is on 366 days tomorrow and still has her legs crossed.......


Unknown said...

I can't think of anything better for the soul than watching cria racing...always a perfect end to the day.

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Its great to watch the babies speeding around, full of high spirits ! a wonderful way to end the day .....Jayne

Shirley said...

Wish we had that sort of energy, Debbie!! Shirley & Robbie

Allen said...

Thanks for sharing with us....:-)
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