Sunday 10 August 2014

Nelson update

Since blogging on Thursday Nelson has continued to tuck into his food, he has his own little bowl of Camelibra.

And he's munching on the grass and hay.

But despite this and his green slop he still continues to pass coloured water, albeit slightly thicker constitution and now green, the colour of his medicine.  His weight is up one day and slightly down the next, but since Thursday he's gained another 50gms and is now 5.55kg!

I am really running out of ideas so if anyone has any please do share them, what else can I try.  He is still down at the house with his mum and Rose and Selkis for company.  Selkis is so greedy she's striped her mum of all condition so I'm trying to feed her up.

It's like little and large, Selkis on the left at 11 weeks and Nelson at 3!  Selkis is nearly as tall as Andromeda (and her mum for that matter who was sat down so she couldn't feed!).

Whilst I was out with the camera this morning taking photo's of knitwear for our online shop I couldn't help but notice Perry posing to me!  He is our youngest cria and from Layla and Sandstorm and just like his dad he thinks he's something special and poses to everyone; I love him, he has a lovely fleece too!


Unknown said...

Is it worth asking on the Paca This page for ideas with regard to Nelson?

Good luck with him, x

Shirley said...

Yep, that Perry looks like he'll spend his life posing! Hope Nelson continues to improve. Shirley & Robbie

Unknown said...

Great to hear an update on Perry and see how he has grown. I keep passing the messages on to the Travelling spinners. I wonder, should I tell them he has great fleece? You may be inundated with demands. Lol!