Tuesday, 14 July 2009

A sheep day

After my morning feeding rounds and routine checks, I went off to help Alan, my farmer friend with the last of his shearing.

Whilst the ewes were in with their lambs the lambs all got dosed and sprayed with crovect to keep the flies at bay. I also attended to some feet, boy did I see the worst, smelliest maggot infected foot ever. The smell was so bad I was heaving, I really felt sorry for the poor girl. Hopefully with the hoof sorted and the nasty things removed and sprayed she will be fine and dandy very soon. Give me alpaca feet to deal with any day!

Little Miss Irraquoy continues to keep me entertained. She keeps forgetting that she has a baby to look after and wonders off or runs to the feed troughs and then remembers she forgot something and panics. Because she does have these momentary lapses of mothering duties I have been putting a coat on Sandstorm at night in case he gets 'left' somewhere. This morning LMI didn't want me to remove it and was squealing at me and trying to push me off. I think she thought I was removing his skin or something.

I'm still thinking that Geena isn't pregnant. I thin I may have to get the vet out to have a look at her, I'm wondering if she has a retained CL and she was scanned incorrectly last year - she won't be the first. Oonagh on the other hand is looking very pregnant and is starting to look warn out carrying round all this extra weight.

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