As Mark asked so nicely for photo's of Willow today I sat out there patiently armed with the camera to catch one of the many bulges, however as is always the case every time there was a bulge or kick the camera was either switched off or someone was stood in the way.
I did however manage to catch the three youngsters charging round at a rapid rate of knots. From left to right we have Ochre, Lucia and Kazuo who just happen to be in age order too; oldest at the front!

Ochre has enjoyed a day without his coat on today and the sun on his back. It has obviously done him good as he has gained a further 300gms today.

My parents are going home tomorrow so I have had a word in Willows ear to make sure she has her baby or mum will not be happy. Willow is a favourite of my mum and she missed her birth by a day last time! I think she may be in luck this year (figures crossed).
Nice pictures....! Ochre looks very handsome....indeed !.....its lovely to see them playing ....keep the photo's coming...there the only babies..I'll see this year !!.....Jayne
That's better! Lovely photos, they look full of beans!
Super crias!
Lovely photos Debbie
XXX fingers crossed that she is having the baby in time!
I love seeing the cria pronk around. So much fun.
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