Anyway, we had a meeting at the solicitors this evening so I had to pick Paul up from work and drive to Newcastle before heading off to a NEBAG fleece skirting event. So having checked the girls and spoke to Ursula to make sure she wasn't planning on birthing I left at just after 3.30pm.
Traffic was horrendous, I think the whole world and his dog were leaving work early to get home for the football! Whilst we were in the meeting with our solicitor my phone rang with a mobile number I didn't recognise, but I decided to excuse myself and answer it.
It's a good job I did it was Carol (knitting friend) on Dave's (button maker & chief carder) Mobile to tell me there was a wobbly baby in the field!!!!!! Ursula had given birth!
Thankfully Carol and Dave are great and offered to stay and watch to make sure all was ok until we got back. The baby had only just been born and wasn't up on it's feet at this point.
When I rang for a progress report Carol said the baby looked white, Ursula is brown and so is Guinea so I than began to worry and thought it may have been Veruschka's, who is white and mated to a white, and Ursula had just claimed it because she always like to inspect the new babies.
I am pleased to say the cria is Ursula's, a light fawn boy weighing a healthy 7.2kg, which is actually our lightest baby this year.
Just before Carol and Dave headed off to watch the football, Carol advised me that she thought there was a law stating that if you were first to spot a baby in the field it should be yours. Sorry Carol I won't be parting with the little man just yet, but instead and as a bit of a thank you we have decided to name him after you. The latest addition to the herd is Barnacre Pearson.
Dave even managed to have his camera with him.

Nice one Debbie - that's the way to have them, keep out of the way and let them get on with it.
Congratulations, Debbie.
They just never do what you expect! Looking forward to the photos.
Suddenly a photo has appeared!
That confused me!
Dave kindly sent it whilst I was blogging Rosemary!
We had a great time, so thank you! I'm still looking up the law on finding babies. What's this about Chief Carder.....since when did you give him that title.....
Eeh hope Barnacre Pearson has a coat on tonight.
Hi Debbie, Nice one Pearson! After last night's game there is no way he was going to be called Fabio! Shirley & Robbie
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