Also our youngest cria, Casiphia has been worrying me a little. When she was born her umbilical cord seemed thicker than normal and it hasn't dried and fallen off like normal, it also feels different. I've never seem an umbilical before but I was sure it wasn't that, but I got Alan my farmer friend to look at it when she was first born and he confirmed it wasn't.
Thankfully having had a good poke and check over of Neferiti the vet was happy to leave her, he thinks the lump is a result of a knock she received some time ago.
He also agreed that Casiphia didn't have an umbilical hernia, but could feel a little hardening at the navel. She is gaining weight and doing well so he wasn't too worried about her but she's had so long lasting antibiotics and has got to have a second dose on Friday just to be on the safe side. He said that the cord will fall off eventually.
After rain this morning the sun came out this afternoon and as my parents are heading off home tomorrow mum headed off into the paddock with her camera to take some photo's; Pearson thought he would have a sup of her cup of tea whilst she was busy!

Glad I read your blog tonight. I think I know what's wrong with Barry now! We'll see tomorrow!
Glad Nefertiti is okay - and Casiphia!
Lovely photos....of your babies...enjoying the summer..and having a T-break !!....Jayne
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