Friday, 25 July 2008

Guess how many hay bales are in the garage

It's quiz night (blame Paul), as those of you who read last nights will know, we have collected our first batch of Alan's hay. All you have to do now is guess the number of bales in garage. I will help by saying they are 2 foot wide, 20 inches high and 3 foot long. We are still able to get to the door at the back leading to the workshop, fit in the quad, a bale of straw, the usual paraphernalia required for alpaca farming and general garage 'junk'!
I had an exceptionally early start today as we were heading off up to Kelso for the Border Union show. I was one of the fleece stewards so had to be there for 8am, so a 4am start for me as I had a few things that needed to be done before we left, including trying to convince Gaussian that his bottle really was nice!
I found the fleece judging fascinating, and learn an awful lot - next time I will have a much better idea of what I should be looking to remove. It's another early start tomorrow because it's animal judging and it takes longer towing than in my little MG.


Patou Alpacas said...

I'm guessing 35.

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

We had to stack many more than that I'm affraid! Fingers crossed you get to see Lily birth, without missing anything.
Watch this space for the actual number of bales in a day or so.

Patou Alpacas said...

Alright then 106.