Monday, 22 March 2010

All work and no play

After a glorious day yesterday today has been rather wet, although after all the land work we did yesterday the watering of the grass has probably done it good.

Whilst Paul was busy enjoying his hot air balloon ride yesterday I began by cleaning the boys field. Once he returned he took over the new quad so I was left pulling the rather heavy muck truck by hand whilst he drove round playing, sorry I mean harrowing.

We even gave one of the isolation/stud strips a quick cut to get rid of the tufty bits of grass and hopefully encourage some growth. Everything has certainly started to green up so now the temperature has risen hopefully the grass will start to grow.

I had put another advert of freecycle for the manure which as always went down well and we had various people calling round to collect it. One lady arrived and filled her car with two and a half dumpy sacks full of the stuff. Her little girl was strapped into her car seat and surrounded by poo - I hope she didn't have to do any emergency stops on the way home.

Today has been more of an indoor job day, not that I seem to have achieved much. This evening we have been to deliver the old quad we sold on ebay, the new owners seemed very pleased with it which is good.

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