Tuesday 29 January 2013

Light relief

Short and sweet tonight folks as I'm half asleep.

Thankfully our snow is rapidly thawing now, in fact I'm hopeful that tomorrow it will be gone!

I've had a lovely day today with Jan from Castleside Alpacas, we've been talking alpacas all day.  We had a good rummage through a few fleeces, Jan also did a spot of AD&E paste administering and some toe nail trimming.  Not to mention we managed to fit in a spot of lunch, very nice it was too.

On the way back I treated Jan to the delights of our local country store, Robson & Cowans.  It's a brilliant place that sell everything and if they don't they will happily get it for you. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your pics of the snow made me realise ours wasn't even worth complaining about. I'm moaning constantly about the mud though. Your farm store sounds great, lucky you.