Saturday 12 January 2013

Shetland, about not from (Paul)

Well Blogger has been causing us real problems this week with photos proving really difficult to upload - but we think we might have cracked it.

It's been a busy few days (for a change!) and we have been visiting, well more invited, when we joined Gill (@giddiupchicken for Twitter fans), Ross and Taylor for pizza at their place.  Check out the amazing pizza oven that Ross has built in their garden (sorry about the poor quality shot from my Blackberry):

The Shetland sheep all seem to be doing well.  Shetland sheep are the UK's finest fleeced primitive breed sheep you know!  Here they are waiting to see who is coming into their field.
Visitors with food are always welcome!  Check out the range of beautiful colours.
 A bucket of supalyx is going down nearly as well as the ewe nuts (top right)...
 But what to do if you can't decide which is best??!!

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