Monday 21 January 2013

Snow's a waist of time

What a day, it has been snowing here all day and we now have more snow than I have ever seen.

We woke this morning to an extra 3 inches or so and it just hasn't stopped, we are now completely snowed in here, in places the snow is waist deep, and it has to be said I am rather worried about the poor sheep, I physically couldn't get to the top half of the hill this afternoon.

This was the drive earlier this afternoon - do you like the 4 bar fence?!

By this evening when I waded down to try and put the ducks to bed you could now only see the top of the fence and the duck house had vanished under the snow, I couldn't even find it!!  The ducks were rather confused and walked back up the drive much quicker than I could to go back into the shed, I'm just hoping they have the sense to stay in there all night.

Thankfully all of the alpacas and the goats are tucked up in the shed, the weanlings continue to cry but are slightly better tonight, they all came running to the end of their pen to meet me when I went in at tea time

Hopefully this snow will stop soon and everyone will be able to get out to stretch their legs and get a bit of fresh air and I'll be able to muck out without numerous noses supervising!!


Shirley said...

Now thats a dump of snow! Much more impressive than the two inches we see people moaning about in some parts. Take care in it!
Shirley & Robbie

Andrew said...

Poor ducks ! Homeless ! Must be driving them quackers ! Have you got a plow for your tractor ? I used my back box quite sucessfully.