Sunday, 16 November 2008

Happy Birthday Legend

Today is the second birthday of one of our elite studs, Legend of Spartacus, who as the name suggests is the son of the legendary Peruvian Spartacus. He also has Jolimont Commisario in his pedigree and is one cracking boy. We are eagerly awaiting the start of his working career in the spring.

It has also been my Niece and God Daughters dedication today so we have been back to Nottingham for a flying visit. It's all go!

Yesterday was weigh day for Gaussian and thankfully he managed to put on a little bit of weight, he's now up to 15.7kg, we were hoping with all the fresh grass he would have managed a bigger gain, but maybe the very wet weather last week didn't help.

The stock in the shop is also increasing, we have a lovely long brown lacy jumper now in stock - I love it and may have to have one knitted for myself.

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