Wednesday 18 March 2009

An early start for Paul

Last night I noticed that Loki had a bit of grass in his eye which despite trying I failed to get out on my own. Holding Loki, stopping Hughie from helping and removing said bit of grass all with one pair of hands just didn't work.

So this morning Paul had to get up early to give me a hand before he went off to the day job. Anyone who knows Paul will know he hates mornings so this is not something he likes to do. However this morning there was no complaining and up he got and off to the field we went, only to find Loki has removed it himself!

Still no complaints from Paul, he went back to get ready for work. When I got back to the house having filled the various hay nets and mangers the nice man had even made me a cup of tea.

This evening I have started started some more knitting, the 'Best Friends' blend of Gabby & Imala yarn is proving popular and no sooner do I finish something and put it in the shop it sells - not that I am complaining! I have also taken an order for a hat in their yarn so I can't see stocks of it hanging round for long.

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