Monday 2 March 2009

I'm back!

Firstly, I must say well done and thank you mum for looking after everyone so well and even posting a blog! She was very pleased to have received some comments and asked me to thank you. She even managed to get Gaussian to put on 40 grams (just under a pound) whilst we were away!

The Futurity was a great event again, the new location at Stoneleigh Park was fantastic and with 350 animals being shown it was a credit to the organisers, it ran like clockwork. It was lovely to meet up with many friends and catch up, not to mention all the people who came up and introduced themselves as blog readers - thanks folks.

I know there are a few of you out there who were interested in the auction, and wanted to know how things went with the extremely impressive Cambridge Opus in particular. Well I can tell you she was sold for £8,500 guineas to Rachel & Chas at Classical Mile End Alpacas - they have a fantastic girl there.

I am pleased to say that Molly did as she was told and didn't panic mum whilst we were away. She is 320 days now so not long to go. She is one of the girls pregnant to Accoyo Remarque whose progeny were doing well in the show classes over the weekend, winning numerous ribbons and attracting comments like 'exceptionally dense fleece' 'very fine' etc. Needless to say I'm looking forward to her babes arrival.


Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Hi Debbie

I bet you are pleased to be back home....I bet you had a lovely time at the Futurity !!

Hope all goes well with Molly and the pending new arrival, lets hope we have some nice weather to welcome the baby into the world..

I think you mum did a great job, alpaca farming and blogging !!..another multi talented lady !!...look forward to seeing those felt slippers!!..Jayne

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

I'll put the slippers on tonight!

hilaryc said...

HI, It was good to meet you and Paul on Friday, and thanks for saying how the auction went!

Good luck with Molly. One of mine is in cria ( nearly said in foal then!) to Remarque too.

Cheers, HIlary

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

Hiya Hilary

It was good to meet you too. Hope your drive back from Stoneleigh was a good one.

We have one Remarque girl already (she's actually Molly's half sister) who is fantastic, so hopefully this cria will be as good.

Alpaca Granny said...

Glad you are safely back home to your kingdom....