Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Tube feeding and floor warming

We woke to rain this morning but thankfully it soon stopped and dried up which was good as I had some vaccinations to do this afternoon. I'm pleased to report that everyone was very well behaved, even Kate. She did have a swiping kick as she walked past me on the way out of the pen but missed!

Our fence had taken another hit today from a huge falling tree branch from a neighbours tree. More annoying it has broken two hurdles which were in place following the previous tree branch trashing the fence. Oh to have a nice big farm where everything is in our own control.

I have another little foster lamb. This poor little chap was not at all well when he arrived this afternoon. He had been born and abandoned in the field by his mum so he was very cold and hungry.

He was too weak to feed so had to be tube fed and was left to warm up on the underfloor heating.

After a couple of tube feeds and a few hours on the heated floor he has found his feet and was wandering round the utility! With all this improved strength he has even taken a little bit of bottle which is good, so he is now in a pen to stop any wandering!!


Rosemary said...

He is gorgeous! It has started me thinking about another lamb or two!

Apple Vale Alpacas said...

Thought: but the bigger the farm, the bigger your boundary... good luck with the little lamb.Dave.

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Ahhhhhhhh....he's gorgeous...just think...oneday...he'll be as big as Norris !!!.......what a real sweetie....Jayne

Shirley said...

Ewe certainly have done well by this wee chap, Debbie! Hope he continues to get stronger.

L said...

Oh he's lovely. Good going getting him on his feet.