Thursday 17 March 2011

A cosy kitten bed

I have been determined to work my way through my stash of fleece in my workroom, and I'm pleased to say I'm getting there.  I have been skirting some of the neck fleeces which are superfine and perfect for hand spinning.  Lucky for me Dave is carding as the pile that I intend to spin has grown somewhat in recent days.

I had a little helper today, Izzie!  After being removed from the skirting table a couple of times she noticed that the rejected fleece was going in the bin so moved in there instead!  She was in pussy cat heaven purring away.


Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Looks like she has had a wonderful the box with the fleece.....whos that gorgeous baby on your profile picture...Ive just noticed it has changed !!......Im hoping that my parents can collect the 3 have....from me !...if that might help with the tidying up !!.......Jayne

Judi said...

Better in with the waste than on the table "helping!" Our cats just love to "help" me when I'm doing anything with fleece...and one of them doesn't mind if it's on or off the alpaca!

Rosemary said...

My cats also love the fleeces - could there be a cat based product idea there somewhere?!