Monday 21 March 2011

Personal space required

Paul is still full of cold, in fact he is not at all well.  He must be ill because he's off his food, he left his porridge, didn't bother with lunch and only had a bowl of soup for tea. 

I'm steering clear of his germs, I don't have time to be ill, I have far too much to do. 

I had to head off into Morpeth this morning to post an order which had been placed on our online shop so that will be a nice parcel for one lucky customer in the morning.  I do enjoy wrapping up an order and sending it on it's way.

Whilst I was in Morpeth I took a couple of bags to the charity shop, this moving lark makes you have a good clear out.

The alpacas have been enjoying the sunshine today, I do like to watch them sunbathing.  Some of the girls are getting a bit stroppy with each other at feed times now they are coming to the final stages of their pregnancies.  Sienna who is due first (along with Mallika) had developed this screech come groan if anyone gets too close to her food. 

1 comment:

oak haven alpacas said...

Oh yes, we have ornery girls at grain time at our farm too. I am excited to see new cria though, so I'll take the orneriness for now :)
