Tuesday 1 March 2011

White rabbits

I can't believe it's already the 1st of March, I can now say our first cria of the year are due next month; oh isn't it exciting.  This evening it looked like Little Miss Irraquoy's (LMI) baby was also excited about the start of March, it was doing somersaults inside her.

I managed to capture a lovely head shot of LMI's cria from last year, Niveous at lunchtime.  He is from Legend of Spartacus and has certainly inherited his dad's fully fleeced face.  In fact they are both getting ready for a trim round the eyes so they can see properly.  We repeated the LMI & Legend mating so all being well Niveous will have a full sibling later in the Spring.
Whilst I was out with the camera I thought I would take a feed trough photo to show you the size difference between Minimus and his mates.
From left to right; Pearson, Rory, Meketaten & Minimus


Rosemary said...

Aah! Little Meketaten!
. . . and Minimus!
Niveous has certainly got his Dad's face - lovely!

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Lovely photos.....I want Minimus....are you sure he's not standing in a hole !.....post him to me immediately....First Class Post ofcourse !......hehe !!.....Jayne