Monday 28 February 2011

Jobs worth at the Post Office

After a lovely weekend it absolutely threw it down during the night so I was expecting to have all the mud back, but I'm pleased to say it was much better than I expected.

After the usual morning routine I had to nip to the post office, the quad needed taxing and I had a couple of things to post.  Being the last day of the month and a Monday the queue was huge, to make matters worse when I eventually got to the counter the extremely miserable woman behind the counter refused to issue a new tax disc.

Despite having the renewal notice from DVLA and my insurance documentation because the certificate of insurance stated the chassis number rather than the registration mark of the quad they wouldn't do it.  I was not amused.  I tried my damnedest to get her to do it, after all the document they had sent only asked for the renewal notice and insurance certificate, but it wasn't working.

So it looks like another trip to Morpeth for me then.  I wouldn't mind but there is so much going on here at the minute I don't have the time to drive backwards and forwards to Morpeth.  Carol is also going to be back in a couple of days and I haven't spun her anywhere near enough yarn yet!

1 comment:

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Can u not renew it on the phone !..thats how I do my car ! the miserable old jobs the Post Office !.......and saves that trip out again !......Jayne