Sunday 20 February 2011

The big move

It's been a very busy day here today, the girls were due a move, there was weaning to be done and all this meant a move for Mr Guinea.

It was a damp grey morning but after breakfast Golden Guinea came for a walk up to the house.  He got all excited and skipped up the lane thinking he was off for an 'appointment' with a lady!  You're a couple of months too early for that yet Guinea.

He was soon settled in his new field next to the house, there was lots of posing and posturing with the other boys who are in the field directly behind the house.  They usually have a gap between them so I'm hoping there is no funny business.  Hughie and Loki are currently walking one side of the gate with Guinea this side so both are making a muddy mess - not nice!

With Guinea out of the way the girls were able to move up a field (there is no way he could be in a neighbouring field or he'd be over the fence) onto the nice fresh grass.  This also gave us the opportunity to wean the last of the 2010 cria.

Little Minimus is well below the usual weaning weight but he is just over six months old now and a strong lad so he had to say bye to his mummy.  He is not at all impressed, the poor little things know how to make you feel guilty.  Both he and Freyja are humming like crazy looking for their mums, but hopefully they will soon settle in with their old playmates.

So with everyone moved and observed we had all the troughs to relocate, hay mangers to move and one field shelter to empty so the girls could use it.  Imala and Chiquita took the opportunity to make use of it as soon as we'd moved the pallets and hay; don't make a mess girls.

1 comment:

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

Sounds like you have had a busy day, moving and sorting the new fields out ! Ah...those babies..spending their first night without their mummys..!! As for the website...I've started in a small way....but we can always grow......pitty the photos of the knitware I wanted to advertise...wouldn't load up...I will perservere be technical ! Maybe we need a computer course..on the list of 'Jill of all trades' !.....Jayne