Sunday 28 November 2010

Up to our necks in it (Paul)

I don't believe it - said the great Victor Meldrew.

Debbie has been keeping you all posted with the heavy snow fall here in Northumberland and there just seems to be no let up.

Jayne at Zanzibah - you thought it was bad in Scotland, we had the worst snow fall yet overnight. The wind has picked up to and the snow has started to drift in places.

It was really hard work getting down to the rented fields down the lane. They say owners take on some of the persona of their animals and we have to agree with that. In the same way that our sheep and alpacas like to tread the same path, so do we. Our route through the field sure seemed much deeper than it was yesterday.

For illustration purposes only I have put a well known London landmark next to the sides of our snow passage:

After a few minutes walking we were sure that we had crossed into the girls field but could find no sign of them. We rattled the food bucket to see if that attracted any attention and Princess Mallika (of course) just had to give the game away - her stomach always comes first!

After checking that the rest of the main herd were o.k. we set about finding the boys.

Guess what - no sign of them.

"Hey Loki, do you want a carrot?"


Up to our necks in it!

Paul ;-)


Apple Vale Alpacas said...

Brilliant Paul! but now we can't believe any more of your posts...presumably you lost Debbie as well, and got back to the computer first? good luck, Dave

WillowBank Alpacas said...

Very good Debbie, It's good to see you are keeping your spirits high in these challenging times. We have snow but not the amount you have up north although we have no water!! Keep your chin up.

Zanzibah Alpacas said...

I like your trick photography up Snowy Scotland...I'll have you know !!..The snow is obviously that deep the Angel of the also....lost in the snow......!!Send a search pary out for Debbie !!!!!!.....Jayne

Debbie, Barnacre Alpacas said...

No need to panic Dave & Jayne I am safe and well. I was having a well deserved soak in the bath. Having carted bales by hand in snow that was above my knees I thought I had earnt it!