Thursday 28 July 2011

Hay presto!

With no sign of Geena's baby arriving today I decided to head off up to the hill to see what progress had been made.  Groundwork was delayed because of the torrential rain last week and was scheduled to start on Monday.

Well how disappointing, some machinery had arrived on site but there was no sign of any workmen or anything happening - not impressed it's almost two weeks since the scheduled start date and we have got nowhere.

On a much brighter note Steve had kindly cut our hay, I'm all excited, for the first time ever we will have our own hay - not enough though!
I'm at Kelso tomorrow for he Border Union Show, fleece judging tomorrow then animals on Saturday.  Another busy couple of days, mum will be left animal sitting, hopefully she will get plenty of knitting done on the bench!


Unknown said...

At least you have some lovely views whilst you wait Debbie!

Rosemary said...

What a beautiful spot!

I am a bit sick of hay to be honest!!

Hope the show goes well - I'm sure it will.