I thought that I'd better pluck up the courage to brave Tesco this morning, it was manic, I dread to think what it will be like next week. They are only shut for one day for heavens sake! The lady on the checkout was saying that they'd had to call the police because there were two people fighting over the last large turkey, can you believe it!
I spent the afternoon cleaning paddocks again, I'd much rather do that than go to Tesco that's for sure. However at the rate the muck collection is growing I'll build a wall to Tesco!!
Great Crimbo Cake, I bet that post and rail fencing tastes nice !!!
I have one pesky paca that likes to nibble on the fencing, I'm sure they'd like this one too!!
What a lovely Christmas cake....and you braved Tescos you need a medal....apparently the world ends next week, as a result there is no more food and this is why the mad panic is on, but us wise ones know the shops are shut for 1 day !!...the madness of it all...fighting over a turkey so on and so forth....whats the world/human race coming to, alpaca land is far more relaxing...dodging the odd spit fest.....Merry Christmas...Jayne
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